We specialize in helping students

We offer personalised private tutoring for your Matric subjects and University modules, where we stand as proven experts in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Statistics at ANY level—without rival. Allow us to be your guide to success!

Get assistance in all core subjects...and more

You wish to upgrade your results? Let the Boffins help you with that! Our small team of tutors are hand-selected, experienced personnel who are committed to our clients' success. Our work goes beyond having a lesson with you.

We offer UNISA tutoring classes for these modules in Mathematics, Statistics and the Sciences (Physics and Chemistry). We guarantee results in the first month of taking our classes.

What You Get

What You Get

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Online Classes

Access to live classes conducted online, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your home or anywhere with an internet connection.

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In-Person Classes

Attend face-to-face classes with experienced instructors, providing a more interactive learning experience.

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Assignment Help

Assistance with assignments to ensure that you stay on track with your coursework and get the most out of your learning experience.

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Recorded Content

Access to recorded lectures and other course materials, allowing you to revisit key concepts and review course material at your own pace.

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Follow your module content

Our experienced tutors will guide and support you in tracking your course material and complete your modules on time.

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Organized Study Resources

Access to a range of study resources, including textbooks, worksheets, and course resources, to help you achieve your academic goals.




Courses & Modules


Experienced Tutors


Satisified Clients


English AS notes: A Slow Pace Doesn't Mean Boring.

My grandmother, a master at the craft of tale, had a unique prelude to her storytelling sessions. Intending to tell us a story, she would sen

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Get Our Free eBook

Our experienced instructors provide knowledge and career guidance that goes beyond the classroom curriculum, ensuring that our students are well-equipped to succeed in their chosen careers. As a gift to you, we are offering a complimentary ebook, 'Digital Skills for Young People in South Africa.pdf', which will help you take advantage of modern technological and digital disruption and ensure that you are not left behind in the AI revolution.